The Relationship Of The Absence Of A Spouse With The Level Of Stress In The Elderly At The Tresna Social Service Upt Werdha Blitar In Tulungagung


  • Avinda Yunikasari STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung
  • Nurhidayati STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung
  • Yitno STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung


Absence of Life Spouse, Stress Level, Elderly


Background: The life of the elderly who do not have a life partner will influence social activities and the lifestyle of the elderly. Elderly people who are not ready to face old age without a life partner will not feel the satisfaction and meaning of life as expected. The purpose of the study was the relationship between the absence of spouses with stress levels in the elderly in the UPT of the Social Services of Tresna Werdha Blitar in Tulungagung in 2020. The study was conducted on 17-29 June 2020. Research correlational analytic method with cross sectional approach

Methods: The study population was all elderly in the UPT of the Social Services of Tresna Werdha Blitar in Tulungagung in 2018 with a total of 80 people. Samples were taken with a purposive sampling technique of 62 respondents. The independent variable is the absence of a spouse, the dependent variable is the stress level of the elderly. Processing data using the Spearman Rho test with the SPSS program

Results: The results of statistical tests obtained P Value = 0,000 <0,05 so that H1 was accepted, meaning that there was a relationship between the absence of a spouse with stress levels in the elderly at the UPT of the Social Service of Tresna Werdha Blitar in Tulungagung in 2020

Conclusions: Elderly people who have just left their life partners and live in nursing homes will experience stress. This condition is due to the presence of the elderly in adapting to the new environment, where the elderly usually live with a partner and now have to live in a nursing home.


