Correlation of Knowledge and Health Behaviour about Covid-19 Protocol of Patient’s Families at Irna Shafa, RSUI ORPEHA, Tulungagung, 2020


  • farida farida stikes hutama abdi husada tulungagung
  • Rischa Hermawati STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung


Covid-19, Knowledge, Community Behavior


Background: Covid-19 is very dangerous disease because it could be transmitted very quickly. Its transmition was 10 times faster than other infectious diseases such as tuberculosis. The purpose of this study was to analyse correlation of knowledge and health behavior about Covid-19  Protocol of Patient’s Families at Irna Shafa RSUI Orpeha Tulungagung.

Methods:  Cross sectional design was used to describe the correlation. Sampel’s study was one of patient’s families at Irna Shafa RSUI Orpeha Tulungagung. Sampels size were 30 respondents who were selected by convenience sampling method. To analized the correlation, we used Spearman rho test.

Results: The results showed that respondents who had moderate level of knowledge are 17 respondents (57%), another  had good (27%), and poor (16%). According to behaviours level, the most of respondents had good behavior (77%). Based on statistical tests using Spearman rho, it was obtained ρ value (0.006) with α (0.05).

Conclusions: It was concluded that there were correlation between knowledge and health behavior about Covid-19 Protocol of  Patient's Family at Irna Shafa RSUI Orpeha Tulungagung. Finally, this Recomendation were to improve health education about Covid-19 Protocol in communities and communities must comply with health protocols.  




