Birth Ball The Effect Of Exercise On The Reduction Of Labor Pain When I Phase I Active


  • yunarsih . akper dharma husada kediri
  • Erna Susilowati Akper Dharma Husada Kediri
  • Dyah Ika K Akper Dharma Husada Kediri


Birth Ball , Pain, Labor, Stage I


Pain in the first stage of labor is a physiological condition due to uterine contractions, causing cervical effacement and uterine ischemia. The pain that is felt causes discomfort that causes fear, worry. A birth ball is one of the non-pharmacological methods, namely a physical therapy ball that helps the progress of labor and can be used in various positions. One of the birth ball exercise movements in the form of sitting on a ball by shaking the pelvis is considered to be able to provide comfort and speed up a delivery time. The purpose of this study is to review journals regarding the description of the effect of birth ball exercises on reducing labor pain in the first stage of the active phase.

Literature review research design, using the Systematic Mapping Study method. This study was conducted to determine the effect of birth ball exercises on reducing pain in the first stage of labor.

Identification by using Compare and Contrast, namely summarizing, critiquing the similarities of articles, reviewing a study that contradicts each other then summarized and made into an article. Exercise a Birth ball has an effect on reducing the pain felt by the mother due to contractions during the first stage of labor.

Birth balls can be used by health workers for the management of pain in the first stage of labor as a form of maternal care and comfortable service.





