Vinegar Acid As Binder To Heavy Metals Lead And Cadmium In Kupang




Lead, Cadmium, vinegar , acid


Kupang is nutritious food product, but on the other hand it  also been contaminated by lead and Cadmium which has been endangering human being. Therefore, it is necessary to decrease the content  of Lead and Cadmium in  Kupang by so that it is safe to be consumed. The objective of this research is to study the use of vinegar acid to decrease the content of lead and Cadmium as much as possible of kupang (Corbula faba). From this research, it is hoped to find the best treatment to decrease the content of Lead and Cadmium of kupang.  The research is True Experimental and  used Completely Randomized Design with 3 treatments, namely, the addition of  5 %,  15 % and 25 % Vinegar acid and compared with controlled treatment. The data obtained from the  research finding show that without treatment (control) the average content of lead is 1.281 ppm, Cadmium is 1.254 ppm. If  it is related to the regulation FAO/WHO with says that the content of heavy metal allowed in  food product that can be consumed by human being for lead is not more than 1 ppm and for Cadmium is not more than 0.1 ppm.  Intake limit for lead based on the regulation of ADI ( Acceptable Daily Intake) is 200 - 300 µg/day, for Cadmium is 25 – 60 µg/day. Lead content in  Kupang  is 1.281 mg/kg , it means that  Kupang   allowed to be  consumed by human being that is 156 - 234 gram/day. Cadmium content in kupang  is 1.254 mg/kg, it means that kupang beras allowed to be consumed by human being is 19.9 – 47.8 gram/day. The results showed that with the addition of vinegar, there was a decrease in lead by 90.1 – 95.7%, and cadmium by 97.3 – 98.5%. The addition of acetic acid which is best used to reduce the heavy metal content of lead and cadmium is a concentration of 25% with .


