Nurse’s Knowledge, Motivation and Implementation of Patient Safety Program in RSUI Orpeha Tulungagung
Nurses spend the most time with patients than any other health care provider. They have to train about patient-safety. It’s done to reduce the rate of patient-accidents. Those accidents are caused by some errors including diagnosis and therapy that extends the days of treatment. Patient-safety program implementation is one of quality service indicators in Hospital. The purpose of this research was to analysis the association between nurse’s knowledge, motivation and implementation of patient safety program in RSUI ORPEHA Tulungagung. This was explanatory research with survey method. Level of explanation included in correlational research, using cross sectional design techniques (cross sectional). Population study were nurses with Associate’s Degree as minimum level of education. Samples were 52 nurses whose selected by Simple Random Sampling. Data was analyzed with Spearman Rho Correlation. Result shows that most of nurses has good knowledge (n=49; 94,2%) and good motivation (n=52; 100%). The implementation of patient safety program shows good criteria (n=37; 71,2%). Spearman Rho statistical test obtained P value of knowledge on the implementation of patient safety program is 0.336> α 0.05 means there is no relationship between knowledge with the implementation of patient safety program. P value of motivation toward the implementation of patient safety program is 0.991> α 0.05 means there is no relationship between motivation about patient safety with the implementation of patient safety program. Action based on good knowledge will be more lasting. The motivation of the nurse's work is the driving force to achieve organizational goals. However, other factors that may affect the results of the patient safety program are lack of facilities and infrastructure, emergency situations, lack of supervision, rewards and punishments to encourage staff compliance.