The Use of Mind-Mapping Technique to Improve Nursing Student’s Writing Skill at Stikes RS Baptis Kediri

  • Yoyok Febrijanto STIKES RS. Baptis Kediri
  • Niken Ayu Puspitasari STIKES RS. Baptis Kediri
Keywords: mind-mapping technique, writing skill, nursing students


Background: In this study, researchers described the use of mind-mapping techniques to build a good writing exercise as an alternative learning process and enable student participation in the classroom. Classroom Action Research (CAR) aims to generate learning strategies using mind-mapping in improving writing skills. The subjects were students of Diploma III Nursing Study Program of STIKES RS Baptis Kediri at first Semester.

Method: The research method used Kemmis and Mc Taggart model which was done in cycles that consisted of planning, action, observation, and reflection. While the data were qualitative data (questionnaire and observation) and quantitative data (pre-test and post-test). Students responded well to the description of lecturers' materials and thoughts about the nursing process. The lecturers and students did and followed the activities according to plan. This was supported by improvements in student writing skills. There were 34 or 100% of students who their scores passed the minimum score or the success criterion was 75 on the last cycle. There was a significant difference between the questionnaire results between cycle I and cycle II. In the cycle I, most of the students were still less motivated and less understanding about writing skills, but in cycle II, it turned out that most students had good motivation and understanding of writing skills supported by their written comments. In the questionnaire sheet it was stated that by using mind mapping techniques they could more easily develop ideas or topics in writing.

Result: The result of this study was published into a reference of English teaching materials of nursing.
