Story Telling Improve Student Knowledge in Course Nursing Phalsafah

  • Erva Elli Kristanti STIKES RS. Baptis Kediri
  • Srinalesti Mahanani STIKES RS. Baptis Kediri
Keywords: Story Telling, Student Knowledge, Nursing Fhalsafah


Problems that often encountered in the learning process often have an impact on student competence achievement and student achievement. Several methods have been applied such as Small Group Disccusion, Discovery Learning and others are quite effective to use in lectures but are less varied. Previous research on Story Telling states that story telling is able to activate not only the intellectual aspect but also the aspect of sensitivity, subtlety, emotion, art, fantasizing power, and children's imagination that not only prioritizes left brain but also right brain. This study aims to identify the influence of Story Telling on the improvement of students' knowledge in following the course of Nursing Philosophy at STIKES RS. Baptis Kediri. Research design was using One Group Pretest Posttest Design. The study population is all STIKES RS. Baptist Kediri Level I. The sample of this research is 45 respondents with total sampling technique. The independent variable in this research is Story Telling while the dependent variable is Knowledge Level. The results showed that there was an increase of knowledge before and after giving story telling with value α = 0,020. Story telling improves the level of student’s knowledge in the course of Philosophy so it can be suggested that the learning story telling method is recommended as one of the learning methods in the class.
