The Influence of Massage Counterpressure on Pain Rate Reduction in First Stage Active Phase Labor Process
Background: Birth pain is a physiological condition derived from uterine contractions and cervical dilatation that can affect the mother's condition of fatigue and stress. As the mother's uterine contractions increase, the pain in her back will grow stronger. One effective massage technique that eliminates back pain from delivery by Danuatmaja and Meilasari (2008) is counterpressure massage. The purpose of this study is the effect of massage counterpressure on the decrease of pain level at the first stage of labor in PMB Etty Supartiningsih Rahayu Zubaidah, SST Desa Mentoro Kecamatan Sumobito Kabupaten Jombang year 2017.Methods: Research using design of Quasy Experimental Design method with Non Equivalent Control Group approach with total sampling sampling 15 respondents with instrument of Bourbonnais pain scale and pain observation sheet with analysis test Mann-Whitney U-Test α=0,05.Results: Result of research of calculation of Mann-Whitney U-Test correlation with trust level α = 0,05 got price Z-2,725 <Z table with Asymp sig: 0,006 <0,05. Thus H1 is accepted, then there is the effect of counterpressure massage on the decrease of pain tingkt in the process of labor stage I active phase in PMB Etty Supartiningsih Rahayu Zubaidah, Mentoro Village Sumobito Subdistrict Jombang District.Counclusions: There is influence of counterpressure massage to the decrease of pain tingkt at labor process of I phase active phase. Suggestions As a reference of health practitioners to provide maternal knowledge about the benefits of counterpressure massage to the decrease of pain level in labor process I active phase, and should be done according to the condition of the client with the previous good approach