The The Influence of Self Management Behavior Towards Knowledge and Behavior Prevent Risk Factors of Type II DM of Prediabetes
Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) is defined as an early phase of Diabetic Type-2 process. Prediabetes increases absolute risk to be DM 2-10 times higher. Those various condition convince more that actions and DM early prevention program is absolutely requiresd, is example self management behavior. SMB for prediabetes which are able to reduce DM incidence and complication. The prevalence is increased in accordance to poor or unhealthy lifestyle such as over consuming of carbohydrate and lack of physical excercises.
The study was a quasy-experiment. The number of samples was 50 people selected by purposive sampling. The sampling were divided into 25 respondents of intervention group and 26 respondents of control group. The data were collected through structured DRC and blood samples was done twice after fasting 12 hours for fasting blood glucose and oral glucose tolerance test. Intervention group was given SMB for 3 weeks, while control group was given education through booklet. Pre-test of knowledge and observation about pre- diabetes risk factors was given at the beginning intervention and re-measured at the last intervention in both of groups. The data were analyzed by using univariate, bivariate with Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney test. The result of the study indicate that increasing knowledge and behavior after SMB given (ρ=0.03). Self Management Behavior (SMB) increases knowledge of pre-diabetes.