Modality Therapy in Improving ODGJ Patient’s Capacity in Bongkot Village

  • Abdul Ghofar Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum
  • Athi ' Linda Yani Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum
  • Wiwiek Widiatie Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum
Keywords: Modality therapy, Ability level


Mental health is a prosperous state that is an integral part of a person's quality of life. Characteristics of healthy people are fully aware of the abilities possessed, able to deal with existing problems or stressors, participate in the environment and work productively and able fullfil they needs of  life. The purpose was to determine the effect of modal therapy on the ability level of ODGJ patients. This research used pre experimental group pre-post test design. The population  were all ODGJ patients living in Bongkot Village. Sampling is purposive sampling. The sample is 36 patients who have been cooperative and able to ADL. Measuring tool used to measure the ability of patients in cognitive and psychomotor by using checklist, the data is analyzed by wilcoxon test. The results, there is influence to the level of ability of patients after following modal therapy with p = 0.000 means p value <0.005 which means have influence. Modality therapy is a non-pharmacological therapy commonly used to train social skills and other skills in ODGJ patients. This therapy is effective to change the behavior of patients become more adaptive
