Coffee’s Antioxidant Against Oxidative Stress
Free radicals in cigarette smoke are known to cause oxidative stress. Free radical activity can be inhibited by antioxidants such as chlorogenic acid inside the coffee. The purpose of this study was analyzes whether the administration of coffee may help prevent oxidative stress and inflammation in male rats (Rattusnorvegicus) exposed by cigarette smoke. The research design was posttest only control grup design. The total sample size of 5 group was 30 male rats (Rattusnorvegicus) weighting 200 – 250 grams. The independent variabels were cigarette smoke and coffee, while the dependent variables were MDA and TNF-α.
Thirty rats were divided into 5 groups in which group 1 was control group, group 2 was clove cigarette group 3, clove cigarette and coffee, group 4 was mild cigarette smoke, and group 5 gave mild cigarette smoke and coffee . After 14 days treatment, rats was sacrificed, blood was drawn, then take the blood serum for analysis.These analyses will performe by using GraphPad Prism 4 software (GraphPad Software, La Jolla, CA). Statistical significance is set at p<0.05.The result shows us that the highest levels of TNF-α were found in groups with mild tobacco cigaretteeexposure and decreased after coffee. In clusters of clove cigarettes also showed higher levels of TNF-α than control and showed a decrease after coffee . On the other hand, MDA levels in the group with mild cigarette smoking without exposure were higher than controls, and showed a slight decrease after coffee. However, in the clove cigarette exposure group showed a slight increase after coffee.