Effect of Health Belief Model and Motivation Toward the Prevention of Lungs Tuberculosis Transmission in Public Health Center of Gurah, Kediri Regency

  • Nanang Muhibuddin Stikes Bhakti Mulia
  • Erin Adiana
Keywords: Lungs Tuberculosis Disease, Health Belief Model, Motivation


Background: Tuberculosis is a health problem, both in terms of mortality rates, or mortality, and the incidence rate disease or morbidity. Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that is largely caused by the bacteria of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Objective of this research was to know the effect of health belief model and motivation toward the prevention of lungs tuberculosis transmission.

Subjects and Methods: The research design used correlational analytic with approach method of cross sectional. While the sample in this research was the majority of patients with lungs tuberculosis in the Public Health center Gurah with BTA (+) amounted to 22 respondents. The research instrument used a questionnaire in each variable. Variable test analysis used bivariate test in the form of Spearman Rho test with a significant level α = 0.05, so able to answer the objective of the research.

Results: Based on the statistical tests of Rho Spearman correlation, obtained the result of p 0.001 for the health belief model and the p 0.021, which means that p 0.001 and 0.021 < 0.05. From these results, obtained  that H1 is accepted which means there was influence of health belief model and the motivation toward the prevention of lungs tuberculosis transmission in public health center Gurah, Kediri regency in  2016.

Conclusion: Prevention of the transmission of lungs tuberculosis disease can be done by increasing the interrelationships between health care workers, family and patients with self-awareness of the adverse effect of the lungs tuberculosis disease.



