The Relationship Between Parenting Styles and Self-Esteem of Child with Thalassemia
Thalassemia is a chronicle disease which have a complex problem, both bological, psychological, social and spritual aspect. In line with this phenomenon, the role of the parent is important in parenting and child with thalassemia care to optimize their development either physically or mentally. Hence, a good parenting styles will rise the children confidence on their environment, ease their learning process, widen exploration, having experiences, independent and smart.
This study applied observational analytic design and cross sectional approach. Furthermore, the population of this study were children with thalassemia who live and stay in Jombang county. In addition, the criteria of the children with thalassemia is they were in the same age or more. At last by using consecutive sampling this study got 14 respondents as the sample. Then, the questionaire used to assess the parenting style was based on the theory of Mowder, characterized by foster care function of the parent as a parameter while self-worth applied self esteem.
Result shows that there was correlation between parenting styles and self-worth of the children with thalassemia, provide the score 0,025 of correlation coefficient. In this context, social environment support in term of parenting styles will impact on children’s self pride. Therefore, a good social support on teen will build a good self pride and contrariwise. In addition, a good parenting styles on the family of thalassemia is influenced by parental acceptance on their children disease. In line with the explanation Mowder explains that a good parent acceptance will lead the children to have a good social relationship due to acceptance (attacment) is the basic of social behaviour of he children.