The Correlation Knowledge with Attitude of 11 th Grade Majoring in Machining Engineering Student about Homosexuals (In Senior High School I Kediri City)
Homosexuality is sex committed by two people of the same sex, both male and female. Lack of information on homosexuality, also has an impact on the lack of public knowledge about sexual education, especially with regard to homosexuality. The purpose of this study is to identify the correlation knowledge with attitude of 9 th grade majoring in machining engineeringstudent about homosexuals in senior high school 1 kediri city. The research design used was correlational with cross sectional approach. Place of research conducted at senior high school 1 Kediri City. The population is all students of 9 th grade majoring in machining engineeringstudent as many as 130 students and obtained sample of 98 students. The sampling technique uses simple random sampling. Independent variable of this research is the knowledge of 9 th grade majoring in machining engineeringstudent about homosexuals and dependent variable of this research is attitude of 9 th grade majoring in machining engineeringstudent about homosexuals. The study was conducted on May 10, 2017. Data collection using questionnaires. Data processing includes editing, coding, scoring, and tabulating. The results of this study were analyzed using chi square. The results showed that 98 of the respondents studied, the majority of 67 students have enough knowledge and 98 students have a positive attitude toward homosexual. Based on the calculation result with SPSS program version 24.0 obtained p value = 0,011 < 0,05 (at 5% significant level). The results of HI research accepted it can be concluded there the correlation knowledge with attitude of 9 th grade majoring in machining engineeringstudent about homosexuals. In this case it is necessary to improve students' knowledge of homosexuals by counseling all teenagers to avoid homosexual behavior.