Decreased Blood Pressure of Elderly through the Elderly Gymnastic

  • Ema Mayasari STIKes Surya Mitra Husada Kediri
  • Mayta Sari Dwianggimawati
Keywords: Elderly gymnastic, Blood pressure, Sytolic, Diastolic


Blood pressure can increasing when one is aged 45-55 years old. The artery walls became thick to the collagen accumulation in the muscle layers. As a result, the blood vessels will grandually narrow and became rigid. Elderly gymnastics is a light exercise designed specifically for the elderly and has a positive impact on improving organ function. This study aimed to determined the effect of the elderly  gymnastic on the blood pressure of the ederly.

This research is an experimental study with the One Group Pre and Post Test Design. The research sample of 40 total elderly people of  Posyandu Lansia Mawar Desa Cerme. The independent variable is the elderly gymnastic exercise, while the dependent variable is blood pressure level of elderly. Data were taken using tension meter and observation sheet.

The results showed that 30 elderly people on average systolic blood preasure before being given elderly gymnastic exercise are 154.33 mmHg and systolic blood preasure after being given elderly gymnastic are 132,00 mmHg. On average diastolic blood preasure before being given elderly gymnastic is 154.33 mmHg and after being given elderly gymnastic is 132,00 mmHg. After being given elderly gymnastic decreased systolic blood preasure by 22,33 mmHg and diastolic by 15,33 mmHg.

Elderly gymnastics is very important for the health of elderly people, especially elderly people whom have hypertension, The more often do elderly gymnastics then the blood circulation more smoothly and blood pressure will decrease and can become normal. So that hypertension disease will decrease.
