The Influence of REBT (Rational Emotive Behaviour Teraphy) towards the Ability to Controlling Emotions to the Patients of Violent Behaviour in UPT Bina Laras Kras, Kediri Regency
Violent behaviour is one of the mental nursing diagnoses towards schizophrenics, patients usually are not able to control their anger upon themselves, other people as well as their surrounding environment and any verbal threats. It happens because they cannot recognize and convey the feelings they experience; identify the events they experience; and think rationally. This research aims to analyze the influence of REBT application (Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy) towards the ability to controlling the anger of patients of violent behaviour in schizophrenia in UPT Bina Laras Kras, Kediri regency.
The research design used is Pre-Experimental designs. The design used is the pre-post test in one group (One-Group Pretest-Posttest design). The population is all schizophrenics in UPT Bina Laras Panti Kras Kediri, sampling technique used is “purposive sampling”, the data collection by doing observation towards the ability to controlling emotions before and after the REBT application. Data analysis using Mc Nemar test with p-value 0,000 < α 0,05, there is the influence of REBT application towards the ability to controlling emotions to the patients of violent behaviour towards schizophrenics. The research result shows the respondents of violent behaviour who cannot control their emotion are 13 respondents (100%) and after REBT application, the respondents who can control their anger are 13 respondents (100%).
The REBT application (rational emotive behaviour therapy) to the patients of violent behaviour can make them control their anger into the more constructive emotions or happiness. So that, in this case, the respondents are able to recognize their and other people’s feelings; able to motivate themselves; and able to manage good emotions in saling with others.