The Attitude of Student 10th Class TKJ-1 about Abortion in SMK Candra Bhirawa Pare Kediri

  • Sutiyah Heni
Keywords: Attitude, student, abortion


Abortion is one of the ways to pressure the oldest birth and the largest used in the world,not only for the common society in rural village but also for citizen in the modern city. Abortion is also done by the teenagers who has free life, it is also in fluenced by the attitude of teenager in considering the abortion. The objection of the research is to know “the attitude of student 10Thclass TKJ-1 about abortion in SMK Canda Bhirawa Pare ”.

 The design in this research is descriptive, the populations are all students of 10Th class TKJ- 1 SMK Canda Bhirawa Pare there are women with 34 sample 31 respondents, by using sampling technique non probability sampling (Purposive sampling). The variable of the research is the attitude of student 10Th class TKJ-1 SMK Canda Bhirawa Pare. The date collected using questioner, technics data analysis by using skor T, interpretasi data technicsly analysis precentage.  The result of research shown the respondents did accept the abortion, it happened because of the personal experiences cultural, interpretation anyone else, media massa, intitution or education religion and also individual emotion factor.

The result of research about the attitude of student 10th class TKJ-1 about abortion SMK Canda Bhirawa Pare.  Known that more than half of respondents have positive attitude about abortion is 16 respondents (51,61%) and almost half of the respondents have negative attitude about abortion is 15  respondents (48,38%) from 31 respondents. 

           It can be concluded that most of the respondents have positive attitude, becaused of students attitude that’s not understand yet now about abortion.  Suggested for the education institutions go on improving the students service in considering abortion by holding the seminar that concerns with the abortion,the health institution gives information about the reproduction health.
