Adolescent Knowledge of Flour Albus (Leucorrhea) and Motivation Care for Genetalia Exsterna in Islamic Junior High School Kepung, Kepung Distric, Kediri Regency
Adolescence is the time when a child has left childhood into adulthood. Some literature writes the age range of adolescents between 10-19 years or 15 to 24 years. World Health Organization limits teens ages 10 to 24 years. Changes in the characteristics of children into adulthood, beginning with the period of puberty is physical changes include sexual organ maturity. In young women changes in the body that occurs marked by the menarche. At the time of menstruation usually begins with the occurrence of vaginal discharge. fluor albus is the discharge of fluid other than blood from the vagina is out of the ordinary, either smelly or odorous and accompanied by local itching. Lack of knowledge on flour albus will have an impact with the motivation of caring for outer genetalia in prevention of leucorrhea. The purpose of this study is to know "Adolescent Knowledge Of Flour Albus (Leucorrhea) And Motivation Care For GenetaliaExsterna In Islamic Junior High School Kepung, Kepung Distric Kediri Regency”". The study design is using discriptive, the population is female students of Islamic Junior High School Kepung as much as 60 female students, the sample of 55 respondents who meet the research criteria by using the technique of puposive sampling, the research instrument in the form of questionnaire, the data is analyzed with prosentage and interpreted qualitatively.The results showed almost half of the less knowledge about flour albus (Leucorrhea) as much as 27 respondents (49.10%), almost half have less motivation to care genetalia externa as much as 25 respondents (45.45%).This is because adolescent girls almost entirely aged 10 -13which at that age entered the category of early adolescents new first time menstruation and body shape changes, causing a sense of mali to ask.For young women who have a less knowledge and less motivation should be to ask to peers who know more to reduce the embarrassment of asking the old oaring, especially mothers.