Family Knowledge Relationship with the Implementation of the Role in Supplying of Food of Assembly Suppliers in Children Age 6-12 Months in Lirboyo Kediri Living

  • Erna Susilowati Nursing Academy Dharma Husada Kediri
  • Hengky Irawan Nursing Academy Dharma Husada Kediri
Keywords: Knowledge, Role, Family, MP-ASI


Incorrect feeding will lead to malnutrition and if over will caused obesity (Septiana, 2009) The ignorance of right and proper baby’s feeding and child care and the existence of inproper  habits  were main cause of the less nutrition problem in children aged 0 -24 months. The role of the mother  crucial in the successful delivery of MP-ASI. A good role is supported with good knowledge. The purpose of this study was to know the relationship of family knowledge with the implementation of family role in the provision of complementary feeding of milk.The research design used was correlation with crossectional approach. Knowledge  categorized in good knowledge, sufficient, lacking and the role categorized in the role of good, enough, less. The instrument used was questioner. The research was taken place at Posyandu of Lirboyo Kediri sub-district which consist of 10 posyandu in May 2018. Population in this research was families having baby aged 6 - 12 months with sample number counted 50 family using sampling total sampling technique. This research used Spearman rho statistic test with significant level 0,05. The results showed that there was a relationship between family knowledge and family role in the provision of MP-ASI with significant level p = 0.00. It Concluded that The better knowledge of the importance of complementary feeding of milk the better   implementation of family role  in the provision of complementary feeding of milk. It is suggested that the respondents are expected  to increase their knowledge by actively participating in POSYANDU  and for the community should be aware of the importance of nutritious food  to the children and always consult to the  nutritionist in the health center or Posyandu in addition to the increased family participation for caring the baby’s growth and development.
