Potential Health Education about Playing on Children Towards Knowledge and Attitude of Parents Transfered Balsal Passengers
Background: Play as an activity performed by a child seriously according to his or her own wishes or without coercion from parents and the environment only to gain pleasure and satisfaction. Public health education aims to increase knowledge, awareness, willingness and ability of people to live healthy and actively participate in health efforts. The purpose of the study was to analyze the potential of health education about playing on children under five to the knowledge and attitude of parents in Posyandu Kelurahan Bangsal.
Research method: Based on research objectives, the research design used is Pre Experiment Design form Pre-Post Test Design. The population of this research were Parents of children under five in RW 4 Kediri Kota Kediri urban village of 60 people, sample size was 30 people. The sampling technique uses the sampling quota. The variables in this research is the knowledge of parents of children under five and the attitude of parents about toddler to play in children under five. The data collection process was conducted by using questionnaire. Data analysis using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test.
Result: The result of the research for the Knowledge of Toddlers after being given Health Education about Playing in Children at Posyandu Balita Kelurahan Bangsal Kediri respondent mostly in enough category that is 16 people (53,3%), for Mother Toddlers attitude after being given Health Education about Playing in Children Posyandu Balita Kelurahan Bangsal Kediri respondents mostly on the good category that is 24 people (80%).
Conclusions There was a difference of knowledge of mother of toddler (p = 0,000) after given health education and there was no difference of attitude of mother of toddler p = (0,117) after giving health education about playing at child at Posyandu Balita Kelurahan Bangsal Kediri.