Giving of Basic Disaster Training an Improving Community Knowledge about Landslide Disaster Preparedness in Krajan and Dayu Village Trenggalek Regency
Community preparedness for landslide disaster is known from the society's interpretation of the landslide vulnerability that occurs in the area, so if a region has a high vulnerability landslide level but community knowledge of low landslides will endanger the people living in the area, the low level of knowledge or the mindset of the community on the area with high landslide vulnerability causes the community to be less aware of the potential loss and damage caused by landslide disaster in the area. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of basic disaster training in improving knowledge of community about landslide disaster preparedness in Krajan and Dayu village Trenggalek Regency. This study with pre experimental research one group pre-post test design approach. The result of the research shows that p value = 0,000 (α = 0,05) it means the effect of basic disaster training in improving community knowledge about landslide disaster preparedness in Krajan and Dayu village of Trenggalek Regency. Training is a process or efforts made in providing knowledge and skills so that people can better understand the efforts of disaster preparedness so that will minimize the impact of landslide disaster because the respondents live in prone area landslide disaster.