Impact of Early Age with Emotional Maturity Level of Women in the Tahunan Village, Tegalombo Pacitan
Early marriage is a problem that often occurs in developing countries such as Indonesia and the impact on the failure of the marriage because of the low level of emotional maturity owned. The research was purpose to know impact of early marriage with the emotional maturity lever of individual wife in the Tahunan Willage, Sub-district Tegalombo, District Pacitan. The research method using correlation analysis and cross-sectional with use 19 sample who are determined using total sampling technique (all women that do early marriage since 2013). Data analysis using spearman rank formula. The result showed that all samples do early marriage with each phase age at marriage (15-17 years old) has a percentage of 31.6%. Data of emotional maturity showed most respondents have fairly good level category of (63,2%), good category (26,3%) and fairly category (10,5%). Other data showed that the intensity of the respondents tend to be quite good and well with an average of 36% and 37%. Cross-tabulation data showed that the age phase levels have been correlation with the individual maturity emotional (Spearman rank, p = 0.012 <0.05) with the level of relationships including the moderate category and positive (r = 0.562). While each phase of marriage age can affect the level of emotional maturity owned because age level has its own level of emotional maturity. The lower the marriage age level make lower the emotional maturity level. By this is recommended for parents to provide assistance to the child to maintain the stability of marriage has occurred.