The The Effect of Oral Hygiene with Honey on Salivary Ph among Stroke Patients with using Nasogastric Tube

  • Khotimah Khotimah Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum
  • Novita Triana Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum
  • Didik Saudin Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum
Keywords: oral hygiene, honey, pH of saliva,


Background: Stroke is a neurogenic disease that causes patients to experience various problems such as swallowing disorders that must be installed in naso gastric tube (NGT), NGT installation makes spittle rarely undergo a change that allows the formation of micro oral micro colonies. Oral hygiene with honey is a solution to decrease the growth of oral micro-flora colonies. Honey is alkaline that contains high minerals that can be as a disinfectant to reduce the growth of germs. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of oral hygiene with honey on salivary pH in stroke patients with using nasogastric tube.

Methods: This research uses quasy-Experimental with Pretest design-Posttest control group design. Total population of 20 respondents with the number of samples of 14 respondents taken using the technique Consecutive Sampling, and statistical tests using paired T-Test with significance level P < α (α=0,05).

Results:  The result of statistic test before and after treatment is got significance value P = 0,008 meaning there is difference of saliva pH result before and after oral hygiene by using honey solution and test result after treatment in control group and treatment got value P = 0,01 meaning there are difference of result salivary pH between control and treatment groups. oral hygiene by using honey Increased saliva pH can reduce the occurrence of demineralization in the teeth and the content of honey can be disinfectant so as to reduce micro-colony flora in the oral cavity that can help the healing process of the patient
