Decrease of Anxiety and Pain Delivery of Mother Inpartu Primipara on First Phase Active by Giving of Murottal Al Quran Arrahman in Midwifery Private Clinic Endang Sumaningdyah City of Kediri
Anxiety is a major factor affecting the course of labor and cervical dilatation, especially in the first maternal mother or primigravida. Murottal Theses Al-Qur'an Surah Ar-Rahman is one of the non-pharmacological management of decreasing anxiety and labor pain. This study was aimed to determine the decrease in anxiety and labor pain of delivery of mother inpartu primipara when an active phase by giving murottal Al-Qur'an sura Ar-Rahman. This study used pre-experimental with one group pre-test post-test design with 12 accidental sampling samples. The study was conducted on 26 January - 28 February 2018 using questionnaire. Data analysis used paired sample t-test with α = 0,05. The result of statistical test showed decrease of mean value on anxiety 5,50 and pain 1,33 with anxiety significance value 0.000 and pain 0,002 which could be concluded H0 rejected means there was decrease of anxiety and labor of delivery of mother inpartu primipara when one phase active by giving murottal Al-Qur 'an sura of Ar-Rahman. Murottal Al-Qur'an is one good distraction as a diversion, because it can trigger the release of endorphins naturally and balance the brain waves so that the listener can get a positive response of comfort that helps in the face of anxiety and pain of delivery of mother inpartu primipara when one phase active.