Serving Sanitation Hygiene as a Risk Factor of Contamination of Sambel Tumpang (Cross Sectional Study on Nasi Pecel Tumpang Sellers in Kampung Inggris, Pare District, Kediri Regency)

  • Tutut Pujianto Akademi Gizi Karya Husada Kediri
  • Eni Maskanah
Keywords: Food poisoning Hygiene Sanitation Risk Factor Odds ratio


The existence of microorganisms in food can be the cause of food poisoning. Food poisoning is caused by microbes, which include bacteria, parasites, viruses, algae, microbial toxins and toxic fauna. Microbes can enter into food at the stage of the selection of food, processing and serving of less precise food. The quality of food serving can be influenced by personal hygiene of handlers, tool sanitation and the serving sanitation. This study aims to determine how big the role of serving sanitation hygiene to be a risk factor for the occurrence of contamination of sambel tumpang.

This study used an observational design with cross-sectional approach with 15 nasi pecel tumpang sellers in Kampung Inggris as samples. Independent variables include personal hygiene, tool sanitation and serving sanitation, while the dependent variables are contamination of sambel tumpang, determined by the presence of pathogenic microorganisms therein. Determination of risk factor was conducted by looking at the value of odds ratio (Exp (B)) from logistic binistic regression analysis with α = 5%.

The result of the study concludes that personal hygienes of handler, tool sanitation and serving sanitation do not become risk factors to the contamination of sambel tumpang (p value > α). Organizing food is a food processing activity that includes food menu planning activities, the process of processing and storing food, serving food, managing food handlers, and sanitation hygiene. This means that the food serving stage is not the only factor that can affect the quality of the food produced. Therefore, if the serving stage is not a risk factor to the contamination of sambel tumpang, it is necessary to do further analysis on other stages in the processing of sambel tumpang.
