with Factors Related with Coverage of Health Service and Treatment Gap in Health Region of Ponorogo

  • Eko Arik Susmiatin Stikes Karya Husada
Keywords: Human resourse factor, Budget factor, Drug availability factor, Coverage, Treatment gap


The problems of mental health services that have not been fulfilled continuously can affect the low coverage and the high treatment gap. This is influenced by human resources, budget, and drug availability. Objective of the researcher to know the correlation of factors related to coverage of mental health service and treatment gap in walayah Ponorogo District Health Office. The research design used was analytical descriptive with cross sectional approach. The measuring instrument used for independent and dependent variables is a closed model questionnaire with a correlatin rank correlatin sperm test. The results of the study found that most of the human resources (83.9%) in the category less, almost the entire budget (83.9%) in the category less, and almost all the availability of drugs (64.5%) in the category enough. The result of analysis shows that from three factors, the budget factor has the strongest positive correlation level with the coverage value (pvalue: 0,000 <0.05) r: 0,895 whereas with the treatment gap has a moderate negative value (pvalue: 0,011 <0,05 ) r: -0.450. This means that the higher the budget the higher the coverage and the lower the treatment gap. This is due to the fulfillment of the budget, the human resources and the availability of drugs are also fulfilled periodically. It is recommended that the Health Office provide budget allocation for the availability of medicines, in cooperation with related parties such as ADD, CSR, SOE, BUMD, and companies in human resources development and provide facilities and infrastructure such as repairing damaged roads, closer service places, and providing transportation especially in difficult geographical areas to be easily accessible.

Keywords: Human resourse factor,  budget factor, drug availability factor, coverage, treatment gap
