Resilience of Knowledge and Perception Skills on the First Aid on Employees
Background: Resilience of knowledge about management of first-aid accidents is very important to motivate in conducting help. Perception of first aid skills creates confidence in preparedness. The objective of the study was to analyze employee skill about first aid to accident after training at STIKES RS. Baptist Kediri.
Method: Research Design is pre-experiment. The population is all administrative employees STIKES Baptist Hospital Kediri. Sample as many as 12 respondents sampling technique using Purposive Sampling. Independent variable is the first aid training of the accident. Dependent variable is the Resilience of knowledge and perception of skills. Measuring tool using questionnaires and Analog Range Scale (ARS 0-10). The statistical test used the Wilcoxon test with ɑ <0.05.
Result: The result showed that most respondents were female (58%), 31-40 years old (41,7%), 10 years old (25%), had attended emergency treatment (75%). Mean of skill perception (scale 10) on handling of fainting 3,7, and perception of skill of handling of wound dressing skills 2,8. More than half of respondents have enough knowledge (58%) and have good knowledge (75%) about emergency department management after 6 months of training. Based on the results of the study found differences before and after training after 6 months of training. Statistical test results show that all data sets have ρ = 0.015 (ρ <ɑ), which means that there are significant differences before and after training.
Conclusion: Respondents have perceptions of fainting handling skills and wound dressings, but there is Resilience of knowledge after 6 months of training.