Systematic Review: NCP for Mortality on Ischemic Stroke Patient

  • Fidiana Kurniawati STIKES RS. Baptis Kediri
Keywords: Predictor mortality, Stroke Ischemia, Blood Pressure


Background: Stroke can cause an increase in mortality and the number one causing of long-term disability in the world. Stroke is an emergency condition that must be overcome within ≤4.5 hours. If it exceeds that time stroke patients will suffer disability and even death. The role of nurses in emergency situations is necessary to save patients and anticipate patients falling on critical conditions even death. The Nursing Care Plan in determining the predictors of ischemic stroke mortality is an early intervention in dealing with emergency diseases that nurses can perform. This study aimed to determine the pulse pressure, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure as a predictor of mortality that could be done by nurses independently.

Method: This study used Systematic review. Literature derived from using Pubmed, Medline, Science Direct, Proquest, Google Scholar databases. The researcher measured the measurement of effect expressed by hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). Five publications were included in the analysis.

Result: The results collected showed that a 10 mmHg increase in pulse pressure was associated with an increased risk of stroke (HR 1.046, 95% CI 1.025-1.068, P <0.001). In addition, blood pressure systolic  (collected HR 1.053, 95% CI1.033-1.073, P <0.001) and diastolic blood pressure  (collecting HR 1.056, 95% CI 1.038-1.074, P <0.001) were found became a significant predictor of ischemic stroke. The insignificant relationship between pulse pressure and mortality predictors (HR 1.022, 95% CI 0.983-1.063, P = 0.270). Significant Systolic blood pressure with mortality (HR 1.008, 95% CI 1.002-1.014, P = 0.012), and no significant diastolic blood pressure (HR 1.023, 95% CI 0.964-1.085, P = 0.451). Significantly all related to all causes of death.

Conclusion: Pulmonary pressure and diastolic blood pressure were risk factors but not predictors of ischemic stroke mortality, systolic blood pressure was a predictor of mortality in ischemic stroke patients.

