The Effect of Acupresure Theraphy on Spleen 6 Sanyinjiao Point to Reduce Dysmenorrhea Pain in Nursings Student
Dysmenorrhea is painful menstruation until it can interfere with daily activities. Menstrual pain is pain in the lower abdomen or in the backs bottom. One non pharmacological treatment, namely with acupressure therapy on the spleen point 6 sanyinjiao. Acupressure is te development of massage therapy. Acupressure can improve blood circulation in the body and can secrete endorphin hormone that controls feelings of stress so it does not happen menstrual pain caused by stress. Research purposes to determine the effect of acupresure therapy on the spleen point 6 sanyinjiao to decrease dysmenorrhea. Pre Experimental Design The study design with the design of The One group pretest-posttest design. The experiment was conducted April 11 to April 23 at the Abdi Hutama STIKes Husada Tulungagung. Nursing student population of all S1. Mechanical sampling using quota sampling and obtained a sample of 30 respondents. The data were collected by measuring the pain scale before and after therapy acupressure on the spleen point 6 Sanyinjiao . Instruments pieces of interviews and observations, processed by the editing, coding, tabulating, and analyzed with statistical test Paired t Tes The results obtained with a value of P = .000 α = 0,05 so that Ho refused and H1 accepted meaning Acupressuree There Therapy Effect On the Spleen Point 6 Sanyinjiao To Decrease Dysmenorrhea In Mahsisiwi S1 Nursing in STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung 2016. This study showed that after therapy acupressure on point 6 Sanyinjiao spleen is no decrease in the level of pain, therefore it is recommended for women who are experiencing menstrual pain to perform acupressure therapy on the spleen point 6 Sanyinjiao.