Path Analysis of Factors Biopsikososial Against Language Development Children Aged 7-24 Months in Kediri Regency of Clinics Working Area

  • Febrina Dwi Nurcahyanti Stikes Bhakti Mulia
Keywords: Biopsikosial Factor, Language development, Path Analysis


Background: the first three years of life a child is a very important period for the development of the child. During the developmental process occurs very rapidly so that the necessary nutrition and stimulation that is best for the beginning of life to the process of development (Widyastuti, 2015). Education jobs and income and also the stimulation is very influenced the development of a child, parent education is high would affect parenting, neither with the job that would could affect the income of parents who will impact on the pattern of intake of nutrients that will be given to a child who indirectly will influence the process of child development.

Subject and Method: research objectives to contribute to improve and build motivation in increasing understanding of the growing swell of early childhood. Method of quantitative research design research cross sectional study, in children with age 7-24 months. Secondary data collection techniques with conduct interviews using questionnaire and supported by primary data. Data analysis univariate analysis was used, bivariat and path analysis using SPSS Amos Programs.

Results: there is a direct relationship between income while pregnant (r = 3.24; CI (95%) = 1.46-5.02; p = < 0.001), stimulation of psikosial (r = 2.52; CI (95%) = 4.54-0.59; p = 0.015), and BREAST MILK (r = 3.06; CI (95%) = 0.61-+ 5.51; p = 0.015) with language skills. There is no direct relationship between income after childbirth with language skills through revenue while pregnant (r = 3.88; CI (95%) = 2.47-+ 5.29; p = < 0.001).

Conclusion: there is a relationship directly and indirectly between biopsikosoial factors with language development in children aged 7-24 months.Conclusion.


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